Well Permitting Fees Page ContentPay Fees Online **New Fees 02-1-18**Well Permitting Fees Commercial Residential Well$350Well$275Replacement$400Replacement$325Elevator Shaft Drilling$150N/AN/AElevator Shaft Grouting$150N/AN/AFire Protection $275Fire Protection $150Horizontal $200Horizontal$150Geo Thermal $300Geo Thermal$300Grounding Rod$200Duplex $350 Duplex Replacement$400Repair Permit$350Repair Permit$275Wells Serving Public Water Systems (Per Well) $500 Recovery Well$300 Monitor Well Permits In place for one week or more -Deeper than the first confining unit Lower Tamiami Aquifer and deeper $50 per Monitor Well ( Water Table Aquifer ) $275.00 per Monitor Well Test Boring PermitsIssued per parcel; 4 Borings per permit$200$50 per each additional boring Well Plugging(s) - (Wells Deeper than 20 feet below Natural Grade) (Shallow wells require permit, but fee is waived) (Well Abandonment fee is waived for replacement wells)$100 Permit Time Extension$200 Permit Application Late Fee$150 Inspections (Existing Well)$100 per inspection Re-Inspection$100 first visit$150 second visit$200 third visit After-Hours Inspection$130 Quick Links More ›› No