​Betsy Clayton, Director​

Katie Welton, Director

The Office of Community Engagement coordinates both internal and external communications for Lee County Administration and County departments. The team responds to media requests for information, provides communications support to the Board of County Commissioners and manages external communication efforts including Lee County Government’s social media channels, e-mail newsletter distributions, website and public information campaigns. 

Social Media Channels

The purpose of Lee County Government's official social media sites is to encourage courteous communication between Lee County and the public. For frequent updates on the happenings in Lee County, follow Lee County Government on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn and/or YouTube. 

Facebook logo Twitter logo YouTube logo Linkedin logo

Social Media Public Comment Policy

E-mail Newsletters 

Lee County Government distributes two monthly newsletters and notices of upcoming Lee County Commission Board meetings and workshops, as well as one-off special communications as applicable. To sign up for our e-mail distribution list, visit www.leegov.com/resources/newsletters.

Video Content

Lee County Government uses video to better engage and communicate with residents and visitors on important subjects. Video storytelling is an important component of Community Engagement to get timely and essential information to our residents, seasonal visitors and all who live, work or play in Lee County. Check out the County’s YouTube Channel for playlists about Hurricane Season Preparation, behind-the-scenes looks at departments, All-Electronic Tolls Information and more. 

In addition to produced video content, Board of County Commissioner Meetings and workshops, and many other meetings are live-streamed on LeeTV (available on Comcast channel 97 or through YouTube) and saved to our YouTube channel for later viewing. 

Media Inquiries

The Office of Community Engagement oversees media inquiries for all Lee County Government Departments and Services. Media Inquiries should be directed to: 

Main Phone: 239-533-2221
Cell Phone: 239-826-4606

Resident Inquiries

Please call the Lee County switchboard at 239-533-2111 or submit a general question online


Below are resources that media outlets and partnering agencies can utilize to assist in accurate communications.  

Campaign Toolkits:


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