Residents of Lee County receive one curbside yard waste collection each week.
Yard waste consists of:
- grass clippings
- tree limbs and branches
- palm fronds

- leaves
- fallen fruit
- dead plants and flowers
Yard waste must be placed in a container (50 pounds or less), or securely tied into bundles not heavier than 50 pounds and no longer than 6 feet in length.
Up to 50 pounds of unbundled palm fronds may be placed at the curb. Any excess palm fronds must be tied into bundles, each weighing 50 pounds or less.
Don't Bag It!
Yard waste is shredded for mulch and distributed at five locations around the county. It is also a primary component in OrganicLee® compost. Placing yard waste in a tub or reusable can rather than a plastic bag saves the cost of the bag, reduces plastic waste, and leaves yard waste ready for processing. It also results in a cleaner final product.
If you must use a plastic bag, please make sure that the contents can be easily identified by the refuse truck driver (leave a twig or small branch sticking out).
Remember - fencing and ornamental wood borders are not yard waste. Please dispose of these items in the regular household garbage.
Call your waste hauler for a cost estimate for large-scale yard waste disposal projects when containerizing or bundling is difficult.