Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S.; and Whereas, cardiovascular disease affects men, women, and children of every age and race in the United States (U.S.); cardiovascular diseases are the number one killer of women in the U.S., killing more women than all forms of cancer combined; and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal death in the U.S., and
Whereas, women, especially Black and Hispanic women, are disproportionally impacted by heart disease and stroke and research shows heart attacks are on the rise in younger women; and
Whereas, a woman is less likely to receive CPR from a bystander than a man, and men have 23% higher odds of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest than women; and
Whereas, the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women® movement motivates women to learn their family history and to meet with a healthcare provider to determine their risk for cardiovascular diseases and stroke; and
Whereas, the American Heart Association and the Florida Department of Health in Lee County encourages every citizen to be the beat for someone you love by becoming a lifesaver and learning the skill of Hands-Only CPR today;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize the importance of the ongoing fight against heart disease and stroke, and proclaims Friday, February 7, 2025 to be National Wear Red Day® in Lee County and urge all citizens to show their support for the fight against heart disease by commemorating this day and wearing the color red. By increasing awareness, speaking out about heart disease, empowering women to reduce their risk for cardiovascular diseases and learning the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR we can save thousands of lives each year.
 CRAM (Creating Role Models & Mentors), a student-run nonprofit (501c3) dedicated to the mentorship, support and success of students in Lee County is celebrating five years of peer mentorship between students of varying ages, backgrounds and learning levels.
Whereas, CRAM’s group of vetted and trained mentors from Canterbury School, Fort Myers High School IB and Bishop Verot High School exceeds 75 members who provide face-to-face academic support, positive reinforcement and friendship to more than 200 Lee County elementary, middle and high school student mentees.
Whereas, CRAM mentors meet with mentees on a weekly basis during “CRAM Sessions” at Fort Myers Middle Academy to provide support with homework, offer a snack and give advice.
Whereas, the month of January is designated as ‘National Mentoring Month’ to raise awareness about the power and impact that mentoring has on young people, exposing them to new ideas, new goals and new ways of doing things.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida does hereby recognize CRAM, Creating Role Models & Mentors, for its invaluable impact on students in Lee County this National Mentoring Month and year-round.
 Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA), founded in 1938, is the oldest public relations organization in the United States; and dedicated to providing public relations professionals with the knowledge, resources, and ethical standards to serve their organizations and communities effectively; and
Whereas, on January 16, 1985, the Southwest Florida Chapter of FPRA was established as part of this legacy, contributing 40 years of leadership, professional development, and innovation to our community; and
Whereas, the Chapter has fostered an environment to provide public relations, communications, and marketing professionals with a forum to collaborate, share expertise, and advance the profession, and the chapter has continually adapted to the evolving communications landscape while strengthening the profession across Southwest Florida through its values of Community, Integrity, Learning and Servant Leadership; and
Whereas, members of the Chapter represent a wide range of backgrounds, including government, healthcare, education, nonprofit, and private corporations, contributing to the growth, success, and resilience of the Southwest Florida community; and
Whereas, the Chapter places a strong emphasis on actively cultivating the next generation of professionals through its student chapter at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), mentorship initiatives, and internship programs, ensuring the sustainability and evolution of the profession; and
Whereas, the 40th anniversary of the Southwest Florida Chapter represents a significant milestone, honoring its contributions to both the local community and the enduring history of FPRA;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Board of County Commissioners of Lee County, Florida proclaims that January 16, 2025 shall be known as SOUTHWEST FLORIDA PR AND COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS’ DAY and encourages all citizens and industry partners to honor these professionals and recognize their commitment to the field.