Conservation 20/20 is a land acquisition and stewardship program to protect natural areas in Lee County for the benefit of present and future generations in Southwest Florida.
Conservation 20/20 Overview
Conservation 20/20 Reports
Conservation 20/20 is Lee County’s environmentally-sensitive land acquisition and management program, through which there are 30,000 acres of conservation land protected in Lee County. To learn more about recent Conservation 20/20 projects, click the links below to see annual and quarterly reports.
Annual Reports:
Conservation 2020 FY 2023-24 Annual Report
Conservation 2020 FY 2022-23 Annual Report
Conservation 2020 FY2021-22 Annual Report
Conservation 2020 FY2020-21 Annual Report
Quarterly Reports:
Quarterly Report October - December 2023
Quarterly Report July - September 2023
Quarterly Report April - June 2023
Quarterly Report January-March 2023
Quarterly Report October-December 2022
Quarterly Report April-June 2022
Management Status Updates:
Management Status Update
Restoration Status Updates
Five Year Projections
The program was established in 1996 through voter referendum and reaffirmed at the ballot box in 2016, receiving 84 percent majority support from Lee County voters.
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) created the Conservation Land Acquisition and Stewardship Advisory Committee (CLASAC) to oversee the Conservation Lands Program. CLASAC is a citizen advisory committee that meets monthly to: - Review parcels for purchase consideration
- Make recommendations on negotiations
- Review, comment and recommend land stewardship plans
CLASACmeetings are open to the public. All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. Audio recordings and minutes from each meeting are posted online on the
Meeting Archive page.
Additional Information: |
21-02 - Conservation 20/20 Program Ordinance Amending and Restating 05-17, 13-09, and 15-08; an Ordinance amending and restating Lee County Ordinances 05-17, 13-09, and 15-08 pertaining to the Lee County Conservation 20/20 Land Program; which amends the required Bi-Annual Procurement Process for Appraisals of Section 4: L., and removes the clause "along with asking price" at Section 8: A1. D., to align with current procedure.
15-08 - Conservation 20/20 Program Ordinance amending and restating 05-17 and 13-09; establishing provisions related to the annual review of the Program as well as Acquisition, Management, and Funding from and through the General Fund...
13-09 - Conservation 20/20 Program Ordinance implementing recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee
05-17 - Enabling Ordinance Amending and Restating 96-12 of the Conservation 20/20 Program
96-12 - Original Enabling Conservation Lands Program Ordinance
18-08-29 - Amendments to the 20/20 Application Review Criteria for the Purchase of Property through the County's 20/20 Program
16-05-10 - Conservation 20/20 Non-Binding Referendum Ballot Language
12-11-22 - Adopting the Recommendations of the Conservation 2020 Blue Ribbon Committee
12-06-50 - Establishing a Special Advisory Group (Blue Ribbon Committee) to Review the Conservation 20/20 Program
10-08-13 - Requiring Certain Lee County Advisory Boards/Committees and their members to file statements of Financial Interests and other related disclosure forms per Florida Statute Section 112.3145...
07-10-12 - Master Mitigation Plan into selection Criteria
07-01-32 - Adding Market Value and Eco-archaeological Resources
06-12-02 - "Leave a Legacy" Program
04-09-51 - Amendments to Criteria "Flow Chart" and notification to BoCC via Salient Property Data Memorandum to begin Negotiations
01-01-35 - Land Selection Criteria
97-06-82 - Land Program Parameter and Land Selection Criteria
96-07-52 - Ordering and providing for a Non-Binding Referendum