October 28 - November 8, 2024
The Lee County Active Employee Benefits Open Enrollment will run from October 28 – November 8, 2024
via PDS Vista Wizard.
The 2025 Open Enrollment Guide contains important information about your benefits and can be found below. *(Please note that this guide is for Lee County BOCC only, please check with your HR department for information specific to your entity if you are not a Lee County BOCC employee, as benefits may differ).
For Full time, benefits eligible employees:
For ACA Medical only eligible employees:
As Open Enrollment approaches, please review your current benefit elections very carefully as well as the online Open Enrollment guide.
This is your once-a-year opportunity to make changes to your benefits unless you have an eligible change in status throughout the year. Qualifying events must be reported within 60 days of the event in order to make changes and will be effective the 1st of the month following receipt of completed paperwork.
There are no changes to our plans this year.
As a reminder, if you participate in Flexible Spending Accounts, those need to be re-elected every year. Please follow Open Enrollment Instructions during your OE Window to reenroll.
You can find all of the plan design and coverage summaries for Lee County benefits
If you have questions about your current plans or plan options, please contact the Lee County Benefits
Department at 239-533-2245 or
All elections must be completed, no later than 5:00 PM, on November 8, 2024.
We also ask that if you participate in our voluntary life plan, that you please update your beneficiary form with us annually.
You will find the beneficiary form below:
If you are adding spouses or dependents, you must provide documentation to Lee County Benefits at the time of enrollment.
Please click
HERE for requirements to add dependents.
October 28 - November 8, 2024
The sick leave pool provides limited additional sick leave benefits in the case of serious illness or injury when an employee has exhausted all other leave accrued. Employees must have a minimum of 40 hours of sick leave (including sick bank) at the time of initial pool enrollment and must donate the equivalent of one sick day annually.
Employees will be able to complete this selection within PDS Vista Self Service from
October 28 through November 8, 2024.
Deduction of one sick day will be taken as of the November 20th paycheck.
Sick Leave Pool Enrollment Instructions
November 14 - November 27, 2024
The Board has approved that effective October 1, 2022, and annually thereafter, employees shall be eligible to convert and utilize up to three (3) accrued, but unused sick leave days into up to three (3) vacation leave days.
Employees will be able to complete this conversion within PDS Vista Self Service from November 14 through November 27.
Sick to Vacation Conversion Instructions