CN170198LAC - CEI Services for Lee County Computer Signal System Update Phase II

Solicitation #:CN170198LAC
Opening Date:8/15/2017  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:The County is seeking professional services to provide Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) and Contract Compliance Services for the upcoming construction and completion of Lee County’s County Wide Computer Signal System Update Phase II project, also known as the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) Phase II project.  The ATMS Phase II project will include the work needed to connect approximately 110 additional intersections to the Lee County existing ATMS.  The project will expand Lee County’s existing communications infrastructure, improve the efficiency of the County’s roadway network, and improve incident management and response through the expansion of the video monitoring equipment for traffic management purposes.

This project is funded in part or in whole by:  the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) as a Local Agency Program (LAP) project.  FDOT Project #:  412636-4-68-01. 

This project requires that the awarded Consultant be FDOT Pre-Qualified under the following work types with a level of qualification as “Unlimited”:  10.1 Roadway Construction Engineering Inspection, 6.3.2 Intelligent Transportation Systems Implementation, and 7.3 Signalization.  Consultant(s) that do not meet this qualification shall not be considered for award of this project.