Miles of Waterways Cleaned and Maintained
Miles of Waterways Cleaned and Maintained is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2013. Vertical axis represents miles. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 3 to 4.

Development Projects Reviewed
Development Projects Reviewed is a line chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the project count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The line displays a range from 38 to 58.

Number of Inspections: New Construction, Illicit Discharge, and Landscape Ordinance
Number of Inspections: New Construction, Illicit Discharge, and Landscape Ordinance is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents inspections. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 987 to more than 1,790.

Pounds of Nitrogen Removed
Pounds of Nitrogen Removed is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents pounds removed. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 3,500 to more than 45,000.

Number of Tests Performed
Number of Tests Performed is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 109,000 to more than 117,000.

PHOSPHORUS (mg/L) is a combination line and bar chart. Data is represented monthly since Jan 2016. Vertical axis represents the milligrams per liter. Horizontal axis represents the month. The data range is .05 to .13 mg/L. The lower limit of caution watch/observe is 0.04 mg/L, and the upper limit is 0.086 mg/L.

NITROGEN (mg/L) is a combination line and bar chart. Data is represented monthly since Jan 2016. Vertical axis represents the milligrams per liter. Horizontal axis represents the month. The data range is .76 to 1.36 mg/L. The upper limit is 1.54 mg/L.

CHLOROPHYLLA (mg/M3) is a combination line and bar chart. Data is represented monthly since Jan 2016. Vertical axis represents the milligrams per cubic meter. Horizontal axis represents the month. The data range is 1.2 to 6.4 mg/M3. The lower limit of caution watch/observe is 4.2 mg/M3, and the upper limit is 6.5 mg/M3.

Pollution Prevention (P2) Assessments
Pollution Prevention (P2) Assessments is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 1,378 to 3,044.

Complaints Investigated and Sites Remediated
Complaints Investigated and Sites Remediated is a side-by-side bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the year. Complaints investigated and the sites remediated are a match. The data range is 90 to 229.

Gallons of Waste Removed
Gallons of Waste Removed is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2013. Vertical axis represents the gallons. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 1,680 to 1,327.

Number of Wells Permitted and Inspected
Number of Wells Permitted and Inspected is a side-by-side bar chart. Data represented is since 2011. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range from wells permitted is 1,124 to 1,829. The range for wells inspected is 1,770 to 2,872.

Number of Storage Tanks Inspected for Pollution
Number of Storage Tanks Inspected for Pollution is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2012. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is 839 to more than 1,120.

Derelict or Abandoned Vessel Cases Closed
Derelict or Abandoned Vessel Cases Closed is a bar chart. Data represented is since 2008. Vertical axis is a count. Horizontal axis represents the year. The bar represents vessel cases that were closed (ranging from 44 to 66). 

Number of Aids to Navigation Maintained (Inspected/Repaired/Replaced)
Number of Aids to Navigation Maintained (Inspected/Repaired/Replaced) is a bar chart. Data is represented quarterly since Jan 2016. Vertical axis represents the count. Horizontal axis represents the quarter. The data range is 133 to more than 750.

County Dollars Spent on Water Quality Projects
County Dollars Spent on Water Quality Projects is a bar chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2011- 2012. Vertical axis represents the dollars.  Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is $4.5 million to more than $13 million.

Grant Dollars Received for Water Quality Projects
Grant Dollars Received for Water Quality Projects is a bar chart. Data represented is since fiscal year 2011- 2012. Vertical axis represents the dollars.  Horizontal axis represents the year. The data range is $267,000 to more than $3.3 million.

