Color aerial orthophotography is provided in MrSid format. Each .sid covers approximately one township/range. To download countywide aerials from our FTP site, click the year below. Current aerials suitable for use in AutoCAD may be downloaded using the link below the table. 

Download individual townships using the map at the bottom of this page. Read "How to Get Aerials for Individual Townships" below for guidance.

​Year ​Flight Dates​Resolution

flown by

​1/8 - 3/11
3" ground pixel size​​EagleView
​1/5 - 1/29
​3" ground pixel size
3” ground pixel size EagleView
1/1-3/8​​4" ground pixel size
Pictometry International Corp.​
1/19 - 5/5​
​4" ground pixel size
​Pictometry International Corp.
​20191/9 - 2/25​4" ground pixel size​

Pictometry International Corp.

20181/30 - 2/1​4" ground pixel size​Pictometry International Corp.​
​2017​1/11 - 3/20​4" ground pixel size​​Pictometry International Corp.​
20161/1 - 1/29​4" ground pixel size​​Pictometry International Corp.​
​2015​1/1 - 2/84" ground pixel size​​Pictometry International Corp.


​1/24 - 3/9​4" ground pixel size

​Pictometry International Corp.

​2013​12/30/12 - 2/21​4" ground pixel size​Pictometry International Corp.
​2012​2/23 - 2/24​6" ground pixel size

​Pictometry International Corp.

​20111/2 - 3/21​4" ground pixel size​Pictometry International Corp.
​20101/6 - 2/14​6" ground pixel size​Pictometry International Corp.
​2008​January​6" ground pixel size

​Pinnacle Mapping Technologies, Inc.

​2007​8/22 - 11/11​6" ground pixel size​Woolpert, Inc.
2005​1/17 - 1/25​6" ground pixel size

​EarthData, Inc.

Download 2024 aerials for use in AutoCAD

Historic Aerials

View aerial pdfs from 1966-2014 by section-township-range in the Property Appraiser's Gallery. To look up a section-township-range zoom into the map below.

How to Get Aerials for Individual Townships

Click the subject township on the map below, or search by address (then click the map). This will pop-up a window with a list of years.  Click the year desired and SAVE the zip file. If you attempt to open the zip file, your browser may freeze.  Once downloaded, unzip the file and view the aerials in ArcGIS or AutoCAD. Or, download the Extensis Geoviewer plugin and view the aerial in your web browser.

 Click a township to view years available and download aerials

