Legal Notice Page Content conservation 20/20 criteria and ranking subcommittee5/31/2011Lee County Southwest Floridaconservation 20/20 criteria and ranking subcommitteeWhen: Tuesday, May 31, 20113:00 PMWhere: Community Development/Public Works CenterFourth Floor Conference Room 4C 1500 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901 The Agenda and backup materials for the above meeting are located on the Conservation 20/20 website. Website: –click on Downloads and then Agendas. Please direct questions about this meeting to Lynda Thompson, Division of County Lands, Conservation 20/20 Program Coordinator, via email or telephone 239.533.8833. In an effort to reduce costs backup materials for this meeting will only be made for the Committee and supportive staff. Additionally notification of meetings will only be made via email and by posting to the Conservation 20/20 and Public Resources websites.