Broadband Icon

Lee County formed a Broadband Services Local Technology Planning Team (LTPT) as part of efforts to ensure affordable and reliable hi-speed internet services access to all County residents.


$12,561,654 in Grants Awarded with $8,788,068 matching dollars from ISP's for a total of $21,349,722 investment in Lee County.

The graphic to the right is a link to the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) Broadband Map. It is important that information associated with each Lee County address is correct on the FCC's map so that the County can receive its share of Broadband Funding. You can help the FCC improve its map data by requesting a data correction if any information displayed for your address is incorrect. You can also submit a speed challenge if the download/upload internet service speeds displayed for your address are not accurate.

Here are some items to check for accuracy:

1.Your address
2.The internet service speeds for your address

Click here for more information on how to use this map.

The LTPT will continue to work with various County departments and outside agencies to focus on:

  • Digital Equity and Literacy Programs
  • Telehealth and Social Services Remote Access Solutions
  • Recreation Center, Community Center, and Library Access
  • Workforce Development and Training Programs

Lee County will work with ISPs, County departments, and outside agencies to pursue grant funding through multiple State and Federal grant programs to support identified broadband solutions.

Steps to Connected Economy.png

We used the FloridaCommerce Department's Office of Broadband Planning Toolkit as a guide for creating the LTPT process. Process steps from the Planning Toolkit utilized by Lee County include:

Broadband 9 Step Process.jpg

Questions & Comments

To ask questions or submit comments, please email

Additional Resources




Florida Statute 288.9961: Promotion of Broadband Adoption; Florida Office of Broadband

Broadband Icon
Broadband Terms to Know
