RFP180313KLC - Athletic Turf Maintenance and Reconstruction - Annual

Solicitation #:RFP180313KLC
Opening Date:10/30/2018  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:The intent of this RFP is to establish a contract for Athletic Turf maintenance and reconstruction for Lee County Parks and Recreation.
The awarded vendor will be responsible for the fertilization, weed and vegetation control,     pest control, aerification, verticutting, thatching, laser leveling for proper drainage,              rotadairon, deep tine aerification, turf reconstruction as directed, and the overall appearanceof Lee County athletic turf at the locations detailed herein.  This includes the expense of       furnishing all fertilizers and chemicals and equipment. The County may remain responsible   for those maintenance functions not solicited by this contract.       
Examples of functions remaining within the responsibility of the County may include mowing and irrigation.