CN240196DWJ - Design: Punta Rassa Boat Ramp Site and Channel Restoration

Solicitation #:CN240196DWJ
Opening Date:4/4/2024  2:30 PM
Scope Of Work:Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract for professional consulting services to provide damage assessment, survey, bathymetric survey, geotechnical, design, environmental permitting, bidding and construction related design services for the improvements to the Punta Rassa Boat ramp, dock, channel and site that were damaged due to Hurricane Ian.  The Professional Engineering Design team shall provide consulting services starting with a dock and boat ramp condition assessment, bathymetric survey of channel servicing the boat ramp, site surveying, engineering, permitting, bidding and construction services for repairing the boat ramp and docks, reestablishing the channel, replacing the fish cleaning station, pay kiosk, parking lot improvements, reestablishing the water management systems, replacing site lighting and signage and any utilities servicing these improvements.  