
​​American Elm​Ulmus americana​​
​Bald Cypress​Taxodium distichumpicture of protected treepicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Black Gum/Black Tupelo​Nyssa sylvatica
​Black Mangrove​Avicennia germinanspicture of protected tree
​Black Olive​Bucida buceraspicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Bluejack Oak​Quercus incanapicture of protected tree
​Buckthorn/Tough Bumelia​Bumelia tenax
​Buttonwood​Conocarpus erectapicture of protected tree
​Cabbage Palm​Sabal palmettopicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Cat Claw​Pithecellobium unguis-catipicture of protected tree
​Chapman Oak​Quercus chapmani
​Cherry Laurel​Prunus caroliniana
​Coastal-Plan Willow​Salix caroliniana
​Coconut Palm​Cocos nuciferapicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Dahoon Holly​Ilex cassinepicture of protected tree
​Florida Privet​Forestiera segregatapicture of protected tree
​Geiger Tree​Cordia sebestenapicture of protected tree
​Gumbo Limbo​Bursera simarubapicture of protected tree
​Hackberry​Celtis laevigatapicture of protected tree
​Hercules Club​Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
​Ironwood​Eugenia confusa
​Jamaica Caper​Capparis cynophallophorapicture of protected tree
​Jamaica Dogwood​Piscidia piscipula​​picture of protected tree
​Joewood​Jacquinia keyensispicture of protected treepicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Laurel Oak​Quercus laurifolia
​Live Oak​Quercus virginianapicture of protected tree
​​Loblolly Bay​Gordonia lasianthus
​Long-leaf Pine​Pinus palustris
​Mastic​Mastichodendron foetidissimum
​Myrtle Oak​Quercus myrtifoliapicture of protected tree
​Paradise Tree​Simarouba glaucapicture of protected tree
​Persimmon​Diospyros virginiana
​Pigeon Plum​Coccoloba diversifoliapicture of protected tree
​Pignut Hickory​Carya glabra
​Pond Apple​Annona glabra picture of protected tree
​Pond Cypress​Taxodium ascendenspicture of protected treepicture of protected tree
​Pop Ash​Fraxines carolinianapicture of protected tree
​​Red Bay​Persea borbonia
​Red Mangrove​Rhizophora manglepicture of protected tree
​Red Maple​Acer rubrumpicture of protected tree
​Red Mulberry​Morus rubrapicture of protected tree
​Red Stopper​Eugenia rhombeapicture of protected tree
​Royal Palm​Roystonea elata
​Sabal Palm​Cabbage palmpicture of protected tree
​Sand Live Oak​Quercus virginiana geminata
​Satinleaf​Chrysophyllum oliviformepicture of protected tree
​Sea Grape​Coccoloba uviferapicture of protected tree
​Short-Leaf Fig​Ficus citrifoliapicture of protected tree
​Silver Palm​Coccothrinax argentatapicture of protected tree
​Simpson Stopper​Myrcianthes fragranspicture of protected tree
​Slash Pine​Pinus elliottiipicture of protected tree
​Spanish Stopper​Eugenia myrtoidespicture of protected tree
​South Florida Slash Pine​Pinus elliottii var densa
​Southern Magnolia​Magnolia grandiflorapicture of protected tree
​Southern Red Cedar​Junperus silicicolapicture of protected tree
​Southern Sumac​Rhus copallinapicture of protected tree
​Strangler Fig​Ficus aureapicture of protected tree
​Swamp Bay​Persea palustris
​Swamp Dogwood​Cornus foemina
​Sweet Acacia​Acacia farnesianapicture of protected tree
​Sweet Gum​Liquidambar styraciflua
​Sweetbay​Magnolia virginiana
​Sycamore​Platanus occidentalis
​Tallow Wood​Ximenia americana
​Turkey Oak​Quercus laevis
​Water Hickory​Carya aquatica
​Water Oak​Quercus nigra
​West Indian Mahogany​Swietenia mahogoni
​White Stopper​Eugenia axillarispicture of protected tree
​White Mangrove​Laguncularia racemosa
​Wild Tamarind​​Lysiloma bahamensis

