Lee County Department of Transportation
1500 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901


Contact:  Kris Cella, Cella & Associates, Inc.
               (239) 337-1071

LeeWay Announces 3+ Axle Vehicles will be Eligible for Electronic Toll Collection and Variable Pricing December 1, 2003

Local Businesses Surveyed Want to Sign Up!

Fort Myers, FL, November 26, 2003 - LeeWay and the Lee County Department of Transportation announced today they would offer LeeWay's Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) and Variable Pricing to trucks with three or more axles beginning December 1, 2003. The LeeWay system is a way to pay tolls electronically and eliminate the need for truck tickets or cash. Previously, Variable Pricing has only been available to two-axle vehicles, but a $1.2 million grant received from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has made it possible for Lee County to make the necessary changes to allow multi-axle (3 or more axles) vehicles to participate in this successful program. Commissioner John Albion said "this means 3+ axle vehicles will now be able to pay half price tolls when they use the Cape Coral and Midpoint bridges (Sanibel does not currently have Variable Pricing) during Variable Pricing hours - a potentially great savings for frequent bridge users." The Electronic Toll Collection system will automatically discount those trips by 50 percent.

A telephone survey of service and construction industry companies was conducted between November 14 and November 19, 2003. From this survey, 303 surveys were completed by companies owning 3+ axle vehicles. Of those companies surveyed, the majority stated it would be likely that a Variable Pricing program would cause them to adjust crossing times from peak travel times. Of all the respondents surveyed, an overwhelming majority requested the follow up brochure and had very positive responses to the Variable Pricing Program.

Multi-axle vehicles will still be required to use the attended lanes on all bridges. However, the new Cape Coral Toll Plaza will be complete in winter 2005, with 2 express lanes in each direction. At that time, 3+ axle vehicles will be permitted to use the express lanes on both the Cape Coral and Midpoint Memorial bridges. In the future the Sanibel Toll Plaza will also be replaced and allow for 3+ axle vehicles in all lanes. For more information contact Kris Cella at 239-337-1071.