Contact:            Amy Davies, Lee County Department of Transportation
                         (941) 479-8589


FORT MYERS, Fla. (January 9, 2003) – Due to the prohibition of 10-ton or more trucks on the Sanibel Causeway until emergency repairs are made to the center bridge, some more questions have arisen:

What is the policy for determining 10 tons?

If the gross weight listed on the outside of the truck is more than 10 tons it cannot cross.  County personnel are not making spot determinations at the bridge whether trucks are below their gross weight based on only being partially loaded.

If it is a truck without a listed weight, if the driver can produce a weight ticket for the load that is less than 10 tons, it can pass.

Can ambulances cross?

Yes.  All lanes on the center bridge will be cleared and the ambulance can pass.

Status of school buses?

Parents of children attending school on island must make arrangements to get them to school.  Off island, the children can be taken at a collecting point at Sanibel Factory Outlet Mall for drop-off (8 a.m.) and pick-up (3:45 p.m.).

What is the speed limit for other vehicles (less than 10 tons)?

10 mph across the center bridge.

The Transportation Department will issue another update prior to noon on the status of the situation and repairs.  The county continues to accelerate repairs to minimize disruption.